About Services

Tri-L provides hardware and software development under one roof.  It wasn’t planned that way but that’s what we do.  Tri-L’s early beginnings focused on hardware development.  Data acquisitions boards and traffic counters were typical endeavors.  As microcontrollers began to replace discrete logic our involvement in firmware development also broaden.  Finally, in today’s PC dominated world many of our clients require an integrated software and hardware solution.  FPGAs, .NET, specialized ICs and web applications are a dramatic contrast to the logic gates, flip-flops and assembly languages of yesterday.

Tri-L’s services includes hardware, software and integrated hardware and software development.

Our specialty is development and production. Sorry, we can not assist you with the following.

* Direct end user support

* Marketing

* End user sales

* End user product documentation such as manuals, user guides, etc. (However we'll provide technical documenation on our work.)